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Shaker Square Citizen
Celebrating persons who have helped make Shaker Square a special place.
Second in a series.

Jane Campbell
Thirty Years of Public Service

Jane Campbell, when Mayor of Cleveland

Soon after graduating from the University of Michigan, Jane Campbell joined the VISTA (Volunteers In Service To America) program, sometimes called our domestic Peace Corps. After serving in Racine, Wisconsin, she returned to Cleveland 31 years ago.

She then managed WomenSpace, the coalition of women’s groups whose aim was social change for the betterment of women. She helped create the first shelter for battered women in Ohio and worked to engage women in community decision-making.

From 1981-83 Jane Campbell was the Executive Director of the Friends of Shaker Square (which later became SHAD - the Shaker Square Area Development Corporation). She worked on our neighborhood's main concerns: apartment renovation, commercial renovation, and security. She also earned a Masters degree in Urban Studies at Cleveland State University.

June 2005
Mayor Campbell at the opening of Artworks on the Square

Her career as an elected official began in 1985 when she became our district's representative in the Ohio House of Representatives. Serving through 1996, she worked there for children, families, and senior citizens, and for economic development.

In 1996 she was elected Cuyahoga County Commissioner. While a Commissioner she chaired a welfare reform task force for the National Association of Counties.

In November 2001, Jane Campbell was elected Mayor of the City of Cleveland. As Mayor she helped secure a new sign for Lucy’s Sweet Surrender on South Moreland Boulevard through the City’s Storefront Renovation Program, secured $282,000 in city funds to resurface Van Aken Boulevard from Shaker to Buckeye, and $34,000 to improve traffic signals at the Square. She also partnered with Dave’s Supermarket to ensure their location in Shaker Square.

September 2005
A visit to East Coast Custard at the Square

Jane Campbell, husband Hunter Morrison (a city planner) and their teenage daughters Jessica and Katie have lived in their home a block from Shaker Square for many years.

posted October 14, 2005


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