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Shaker Square Citizen
Celebrating persons who have helped make Shaker Square a special place.
Seventh in a series.

Reid Robbins  1951-2007
Executive Director, Shaker Square Area Development Corporation

Every seat in the sanctuary of the First Unitarian Church on Belvoir Road, south of Shaker Boulevard, was occupied. Some mourners had gone up to the balcony, others stood in the rear. There were family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, current and former Cleveland and Shaker Heights officials. It was Thursday January 18, 2007 and we were here, shocked by the news of his death a few days before. We had gathered together to honor the memory of a man who had done so much for others: Reid Michael Robbins.

Reid had been the Executive Director of SHAD, our Shaker Square area neighborhood development corporation.

As noted in the remarks of the SHAD president George Palda, the organization has had a total of eight executive directors in its 30 years working for the Square. The first seven directors served a total of 15 years - an average of only two years each. Reid had served 15 years.

SHAD's years under Reid's leadership were also the most demanding, for he had enlarged the scope of its operations substantially since its beginning as "Friends of Shaker Square."

Under Reid's direction SHAD has helped bring increased security to the neighborhood, attract merchants and renters, preserve historic districts, garner city, state, federal and foundation funding and even rehabilitate and renovate property.

After I started this website in February 2004 Reid Robbins was one of the first persons I contacted. He was always available to discuss a new idea.

Reid once told me that Shaker Square needed to play "small ball" well. This sports term means doing little things right day-to-day and week-to-week, rather than the "home run" — the grand but only once-in-a-while feat. That's good advice for us all to remember.

Thank you Reid Robbins for all you have done for our neighborhood.

Arnold Berger.

Friends of Reid Robbins should see the Spring 2007 issue of The Connection which devoted a full page to a tribute to Reid and his accomplishments.


For Council members Tony Brancatelli, Kenneth L. Johnson, Patricia J. Britt and Jay Westbrook

By Council members Brady, Cimperman, Cleveland, Coats, Conwell, Cummins, Dolan, Kelley, Lewis, Pierce Scott, Polensek, Reed, Santiago, Sweeney, Turner, White, Zone.

WHEREAS, this Council is extremely saddened to learn of the passing of one Cleveland’s most distinguished citizens, Reid M. Robbins, who went to his eternal rest and reward on Saturday, January 13, 2007; and

WHEREAS, Reid M. Robbins served as Executive Director of the Shaker Square Area Development Corporation from 1991 until his passing. He was a pillar in the Shaker Square and Slavic Village communities, and was an individual who took pride and pleasure in helping others. Under Reid’s leadership and guidance, he was instrumental in implementing many programs; and

WHEREAS, Reid’s professional responsibilities as Executive Director included overseeing all administrative, planning, program management and real estate development functions. He was also responsible for leading the transition from an established advocacy/promotional organization to a top performing neighborhood revitalization corporation; and

WHEREAS, prior to Reid serving as Executive Director of Shaker Square Area Development Corporation, he also served as Community Organizer from the Heights Community Congress (1978-1981); Program Associate for the Cuyahoga County Community Development (1981-1983); Program Manager of the City of Cleveland’s Department of Community Development (1983-1987); and Development Director for the Slavic Village Development Corporation (1987-1991); and

WHEREAS, Reid received his Bachelor of Arts degree in History/Secondary Education from Ithaca College in May of 1974. He furthered his education and received his Master of Science degree in Urban Studies from Cleveland State University in June of 1982; and

WHEREAS, Reid M. Robbins lived a quality life in which he gave generously of his time, talent and influence for the betterment of the community in which he worked and lived. He distinguished himself as an outstanding citizen in many ways, and will be fondly remembered for his commitment and devotion; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, that the members of Cleveland City Council hereby honor and record the life
and memory of Reid M. Robbins, a man of great integrity, and expresses its heartfelt sympathy to his loving wife, Terry G., his children, Nathan M. and Aaron J. Robbins, and many other loving family members and dear friends who will miss his many kindnesses and cherish his memory.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk, Clerk of Council be and she is hereby requested to transmit a copy of this Resolution of Condolence to Councilmember Tony Brancatelli for proper presentation.

Martin J. Sweeney, President of Council

I, Emily Lipovan, City Clerk, Clerk of Council of the City of Cleveland, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of this Resolution of Condolence.

WITNESS my hand and seal at Cleveland, Ohio, this Seventeenth day of January, 2007.

Emily Lipovan, City Clerk, Clerk of Council


SHAD renames building to honor memory of Reid Robbins

The photo, taken at the SHAD annual meeting in September 2007, shows one of Reid's sons, Aaron, Mrs. Robbins and the memorial plaque that now hangs on a lobby wall. Photo by Kathyrn Kay

SHAD has renamed its 50,000 square foot office building at 11811 Shaker Boulevard to honor Reid Robbins' service to SHAD and the community. It is now the Robbins Shaker West Professional Building.


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